Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cali Day 2 Touring San Francisco

This morning our personal tour guide Hannah came to our hotel and took us to one of her favorite things to do which is going to the farmers market on pier 1.  We decided to walk because it was a beautiful morning. All of the walks we have taken with Hannah have been really cool because she also gives us a little history lesson about the buildings and the area.  By the way special thanks to Paula and Mark for sending Hannah to USF all the money you are spending on college is really paying off and we truly appreciate our own private tour guide, as a matter of fact we have enjoyed it so much we are thinking about going to Chicago next to see Racheal.

This is where we ate breakfast.

This was our entertainment.

Here is our group.  I told them the key to getting a group picture taken is too make sure we can outrun the person who we have asked to take the picture or to make sure they have a better camera than us so they will not be interested in ours.


Anybody got a nice chianti?

This is cool I think I want to try eating here before we leave.

Our next place to visit was alcatraz. This is really an awesome place, as long as you are coming and going on your own free will. They say the worst part about alcatraz was the fact that you could here and see everything going on in the city around them.

After this we went and ate at Hard Rock  Cafe then met up with Hannah again and went on Mr. Toads tour which was really cool/cold.  We like to froze our butts off. Afterwards we went to ghiradelli square and had hotfudge sundaes we will post those pics later.